Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Why do personal trainers work?

Can we run or cycle or swim or walk or kayak on our own? ... Yes. 
Can we pound the pavement alone?  Certainly.  But do we? ...
Can we join a gym, get a personal program and work out? ... Of course. 
Do we know it will be good for our health, fitness and mental state? Absolutely. 
So why doesn't everyone have a fitness regime they stick to, and live in a state of optimum vitality? 

It is a good question, with a myriad of complex and personal reasons. There are also some things that have consistently shown up as important.  And getting a personal trainer is a big one.  Why is this?  There are probably more reasons, but I can easily think of 6:

1.  You commit to meet them regularly (and paying them usually increases this feeling of commitment).

2.  You have a regular time dedicated to your health and fitness goals that you have committed to with someone else. When you are tired, or it's raining, it is easier to blow off training when it is 'just you'. Not so easy when you know your personal trainer has also had to get up early and is waiting for you on the beach, in the park or at the gym. So you are much more likely to stick with it.

3.  They understand where you are when you start, and where you want to get to.  So they can help you extend your reach (and they have the knowledge and experience to know just how far to push).

4.  They bring expert knowledge to the relationship to help get you to your goals faster - best ways to exercise, understanding of diet and nutrition, thinking skills, ways to measure progress, sanity checks ...

5.  They encourage you along the way.  Relentlessly.

6.  They have a wider view of what is possible, so they can push you past where you thought your limits were and take you even further.

So 'should' you be able to do it yourself? ... Maybe.  Some people do.   Are you likely to get a better result with a personal trainer? ... Almost certainly.  Why do professional athletes at the top of their game still use a coach?

So let's extend this thinking out a little.

You know how to increase your knowledge and your technical skills.  You take a course.

What about your ability to set effective goals, understand and improve your thinking, stretch your performance in a way that is sustainable?  How about building emotional intelligence, employing optimistic thinking, having those tough discussions when you need to, but in a useful way?  Leading yourself and others more effectively, building your social capital and strengthening your network?  Putting some extra focus into those important projects that keep slipping down the priority list, even though they are crucial?  Getting clear on what's important to you across all facets of your life and taking action to get there?

Sad, but true.  Like the cellulite cream from an earlier post.
It's not about how well you understand the theory.  Or how important you think it is.  Or how many books you have read about successful people and their habits.  It's about you.  What you think and what you do on a daily basis.  Arney said it well:

'Action on Purpose' is personal training for more than just your body.  We work with you each week to give you regular space to improve your thinking, your skills, your work, your life and beyond.

Life is busy and getting busier.  Work, change, kids, relationships, deadlines, keeping fit ....  Could you lift your performance and how you feel about your life, by taking action on your own?  Possibly ... with a book or a process or a road map to follow.  

When will you start?  Who will support you when the going gets tough (just like your personal trainer encouraging you to move to new heights)?

Rather than keeping on doing what you are doing - which may be good, but not amazing - come and join one of our 'Action on Purpose' programs.  Get an audit on your current situation, draw a line in the sand, and be ready for a strong upwards shift.  If you live on Sydney's beautiful Northern Beaches, or work in the City in either Sydney or Melbourne, our next programs in each of these locations start at the end of July.

Your life may be pretty amazing right now.  Just think how much more amazing it could be with some focused attention, regular time and space to think strategically, and a good dose of personal support.

Try this: think of just one thing you could do on a regular basis (but you're not), that you know will improve your performance or your life in some way.  Commit to doing it this week.  Tell someone you're going to do, and check in with them when you have.  Hold yourself accountable.  Take action.

Go out there and do great things!!