Thursday, 22 March 2012


Do you need a boost to your motivation, performance and resilience at work and beyond?

Not sure how?

Much like a personal trainer to help with physical performance, HMP developed a 10-week group coaching program to help people clarify what they want out of life and take action towards it.

Pathway to Results
It is called 'Action on Purpose'.

So - the big question is:
How do you get the result you want?

In 10 years time, you will be 10 years older.  Will your life be where you'd like it to be?  On purpose?

It's not just about what you do (although taking action is critical).  It's mostly about what you think.  And how many of us take regular time out for personal reflection?  How do we improve our thinking?  Are we doing 'more of the same' yet expecting better results, even though we know this is madness?

The reason for this blog is to share useful, practical ideas and information - to give you 'food for thought' - and to help improve the results you are getting.  It is also to give you a flavour of the workshops, which run regularly in Sydney and Melbourne.  If you like what I have to say, I'd love to meet you in person.

So, welcome.  I hope you check back ... often.  And let me know what you think.

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