Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Is it all in the mind?

Our reality, whether we are happy, sad, amused, shocked, confused, overwhelmed, whatever ... is derived from the way the 'stuff happening out there' interacts with our brain filters.

So it's not 'all in the mind', but the mind does play a staring role.

In psych-speak: we co-create our reality through a combination of external events and internal interpretations.

This is the start of the 'Pathway to Results', mentioned way back in the very first post, and we'll spend the next few posts breaking the pathway down to see where we can make useful adjustments for better outcomes.  There are many ways we can adjust our various brain filters, but we'll begin by considering the environmental influences, or the 'stuff happening out there'.

Every day we are exposed to a vast amount of input, which hits all our senses and affects our internal processes.  It builds, adjusts and passes through our brain filters to create our reality.  And it has been doing this throughout our life.

Try this:
Think about the environmental influences in your personal history and how they have affected you.

They may include your parents, extended family, school teachers, friends, colleagues, books, magazines, papers you've read, things you've listened to, TV shows, movies, groups you've belonged to, courses or seminars you've attended, the culture where you grew up, and the list goes on ...

What has influenced you in a positive way?  Which inputs bring a smile to your face?

[If this exercise brings certain people or events to mind, you might want to provide some positive feedback to those involved.]

If you want to positively impact your experience, the 'stuff happening out there' is a good place to start.  Consider what 4 specific actions you can take to bring in more positive environmental influences over the coming weeks.  I'd be interested to hear how you go.  You may find it really easy.

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